HomeRecipesA Simple Recipe For Balbacua

A Simple Recipe For Balbacua

If you want to try making balbacua, you’ll need to prepare the ingredients first. You will also need to learn the steps involved in making this dish. In addition, you will discover the health benefits you can get from it.


If you’ve ever visited the Philippines, you may have sampled a dish called balbacua. The word is derived from the Spanish term barbacoa, which means a slow-cooked meat dish. Balbacua is a popular ox trotter stew in the Visayas region of the country. It’s typically served with white rice and misua or miki noodles. During traditional Filipino celebrations, it is a favorite. Fortunately, you can easily make balbacua at home.

To prepare the dish, you will need to boil the oxtail for at least 30 minutes. While boiling, you should remove any impurities that may be on the oxtail. After the oxtail has been boiled, you can return it to the pot with the spices and cook for another two to three hours. You can also add peanuts, annato oil, chili peppers, and black beans to the dish. This will add flavor, texture, and crunch.

Balbacua is traditionally eaten with misua or miki noodles, but you can serve it hot. To make the sauce, combine tomato paste, black bean paste, and peanut butter. You can even use red or green chilis to spice up the dish. Finally, garnish it with chopped onion, saba bananas, and coriander. When you’re done, you can serve the dish hot or cold.

The preparation of balbacua can be quite time consuming. In fact, it can take hours to tenderize the oxtails. But once the oxtails have been cooked, the dish will be ready to serve. Although it takes a while to make, it’s definitely worth the effort. Whether you make it for a family meal or a special occasion, you’ll be happy you tried it. It’s one of the best-tasting Filipino stews you can try. With a variety of ingredients, you’ll be able to create a unique, delicious recipe that’s sure to please. Keep reading for more information on this Filipino beef dish. Happy cooking! Whether you’re preparing a feast or just enjoying a comforting bowl of hot soup, you’ll be glad you took the time to learn how to make balbacua!


There is more to balbacua than just the meat. You can add bananas to the mix or make a nifty sauce based on black bean paste. If you have the inclination, you can even make it from scratch! The key is to let it cook for a few hours and the result will be well worth the effort. Aside from the ox trotters, you can also use beef ribs, pork belly, venison, or chicken thighs. However, the best balbacua in my book is still the unadulterated stuff. It is the most nutritious, most tender, and most flavorful oxtail stew you can find. So go ahead and try it out!

In a nutshell, the balbacua is a rich and satisfying stew that can be eaten hot or cold. While it takes a few hours of simmering and soaking, the final product is a cinch to prepare and is sure to be the envy of all your friends. During the cooking process, you can also add in some spices like chili peppers and peanuts for a kick. This dish is a favorite of Filipinos in the Visayas because it is hearty enough to satisfy even the pickiest eaters.


Balbacua is a Filipino stew, which is made from oxtails and other ingredients. It’s a well known dish in Filipino restaurants, and it is easy to see why. The name of the dish is a play on the Spanish word barbacoa, which means to cook meat slowly on open fire for several hours. This dish is typically served with white rice, but you can also serve it with misua or miki noodles. If you’re looking for a quick and easy dinner, try making this dish.

To make the soup, you’ll need an oxtail, which you can cook with spices and annato oil. Aside from the oxtail, you’ll also need some beans and peanuts. The trick is to let the oxtail cook for two to three hours. That way, you’ll get a smooth and tasty broth. You can serve the balbacua on its own, or add it to briskets. For a unique and spicy meal, you can also add chili peppers.

You can also experiment with different ingredients to make your own version of the recipe. You could try adding exotic animal parts, such as lamb or oxtail. Other ingredients to consider include peanut butter and black bean paste. Using the right ingredients can make your balbacua taste like a Filipino dish made in your own kitchen. Try experimenting with the recipe and you’ll be rewarded with an unforgettable meal.

Health benefits

Balbacua is a rich stew made with oxskin and tail. This dish is served hot and is made with various ingredients such as tomatoes, peanut butter, saba bananas, and white beans. The recipe requires you to prepare the oxskin first and remove any impurities. You can also include chili peppers and salted black beans in the cooking process. In addition to the above ingredients, you can add peanuts and annato oil to the dish. As you cook, the oxtail will turn tender and soft. When it’s cooked, you can serve the oxtail by itself or in briskets.

If you want to add some heat to your balbacua, try cooking it with chili peppers and annato oil. However, you’ll have to prepare the oxtail for a long time. It can take two to three hours before you’re ready to serve it. To avoid having to wait, you can serve the oxtail in briskets with peanuts and annato oil.

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