HomeRecipesLanzhou Noodles Recipe

Lanzhou Noodles Recipe

Lanzhou noodles are one of China’s most beloved dishes. This unique noodle dish can be enjoyed as a full meal or simply for a quick snack.

Noodles must be hand-pulled, which requires a certain level of skill. It may take up to one minute for them to stretch into many needle-thin strands.


Noodle dough is made with flour, water and salt. Noodles have long been a traditional Chinese dish; in recent years hand-pulled noodles, particularly the Lanzhou variety, have become increasingly popular across China.

Making this delicious dish requires a broth composed of beef bones, lamb liver and an entire chicken. Though not as popular as Chongqing noodles, this dish remains an essential staple in Chinese cooking and must-have on winter menus.

This recipe is complex and requires strict regulations in order to be authentic. Chefs must first soak beef in water for an extended period to extract collagen, then cook the meat at lower temperatures than other Chinese soup stocks – this ensures the meat doesn’t become too soft or develop an overpowering mutton smell.

Once the broth has been made, cook the stewed beef until tender. Remove it from the stock and set aside to cool.

While the broth is simmering, cook daikon radish slices in a large saucepan of boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes. Drain and save some of the cooking water.

Next, combine all spices in a small bowl and set aside. In another bowl, whisk together hot chili oil with the powder mixture from your first bowl, and reserve.

Now that all the ingredients have been prepared, it’s time to whip up some Lanzhou beef noodles! Traditionally served as a full meal in China, this dish can also be enjoyed as an American light lunch or dinner.

Before serving, top each bowl with a ladleful of the broth and cooked noodles, along with some thinly sliced beef. Garnish each bowl with chopped scallion and cilantro before enjoying!

If you are making a large batch of this dish, you can keep the beef stock and cooked noodles refrigerated for later. However, the soup is best enjoyed on the day it is prepared so all flavors can meld together.


Lanzhou noodles are a type of noodle soup popularly made by the Hui people in Gansu province, China. Its distinct clear broth adds to its flavorful broth made with high-gluten flour, water and an additive for elasticity – giving each bowl its characteristic bounce and elastic texture.

These noodles require penghui, an alkali extracted from Jian Peng Cao (Suaeda glauca). After being charred and compressed into crystal blocks, this plant is processed with water to create a solution used by noodle makers on mixed dough.

Although penghui can be hard to come by in the US and other parts of the world, it remains an essential ingredient in making lanzhou noodles. This alkali gives the noodles their characteristic pale yellow hue, strengthens their texture, and allows them to be pulled incredibly thin.

Another essential ingredient is alkali ash, which is an amorphous salty powder made from plants. This can often be found in Asian grocery stores and used as a great substitute for penghui.

Making these noodles is simple – start by mixing flour and salt, then gradually adding warm water until it becomes flakey. Knead the dough until it is smooth and elastic.

Once the dough is ready, you can begin making the noodle broth by boiling it until it becomes clear and fragrant. Season with soy sauce, Shaoxing wine, ginger, garlic, star anise, cloves and Sichuan peppercorn for an aromatic kick.

After adding the Chinese radish, chili oil and green coriander (cilantro) to each bowl, garnish with bright red radish and chili oil as well as fresh and fragrant green coriander leaves.

Finally, serve the noodles in a bowl of beef broth made with either mutton or beef. The broth should be clear and richly flavored without being overly thick or heavy.


Lanzhou noodles are a classic Chinese dish and must-have for any noodle enthusiast. Crafted with premium wheat flour, these 6- to 9-foot long noodles boast an exquisite smooth texture and delicate beef broth flavor.

Lanzhou, located in Northwest China, is renowned for its hand-pulled noodles and signature bowl of beef noodle soup. This century-old tradition incorporates Hui people’s noodle-making skills with Western and Eastern cultures.

The noodle-pulling tradition is believed to have begun during the Qing Dynasty and was invented by Chinese Muslim street vendor Ma Baozi. He is widely credited with creating what we now refer to as “Lanzhou beef noodles.”

To prepare this dish properly, there are a few guidelines to follow. First of all, always use a clear soup when cooking in order to enhance the beef’s robust flavor. This ensures optimal results every time.

Another essential step when making soup is always cooking it on medium heat. Doing this helps reduce any froth that accumulates on top and also ensures a smooth consistency throughout.

Be sure to add fresh ingredients to your dish, such as white radish, green herbs and yellow noodles. Carefully select these components so that they remain crisp and delicious.

Furthermore, make sure the beef is cooked thoroughly; overcooking will compromise its flavor and texture.

To finish off this meal, serve it with boiled daikon slices – a traditional accompaniment. Not only will this enhance the color of the bowl but also bring out its freshness.

Lanzhou’s beloved noodle-pulling tradition is an integral element of their food culture. These noodles are carefully handmade using water and wheat flour, taking patience to achieve the perfect texture.


Noodle soup is a beloved meal in China, often served for breakfast, lunch or dinner depending on the region. Made with various ingredients and served as an accompaniment to meats, seafood or vegetables, noodle soup has become one of the nation’s favorite dishes.

In China, there are various varieties of noodles. Regions and the type of flour used to make them dictate which variety you will find; some are rice-based while others use wheat.

Lamian are one of China’s most beloved types of noodles. These thin and delicate noodles come in a bowl with thin slices of beef or other meats, or you can enjoy them alone, with sauces or mixed into stir-fries.

They are most frequently found in Western Chinese cities such as Wuhan and Jiangsu province, where they have become a staple of people’s diets. Furthermore, they have become widely popularized as street food across China.

To prepare the noodles, start by rolling out a sheet of dough into 1/8-inch-wide strips. Take one end in each hand and stretch until it measures 30 to 35 inches long. Fold each strip in thirds before shaking it against the counter to lengthen it further.

Step two is to place the noodles into boiling water, adding 2 or 3 more strands at a time until all of them are cooked. Finally, remove from heat and transfer to a serving bowl.

Another highly sought-after type of noodle is biang biang (biang bai mian). These Shaanxi specialties are renowned throughout China for their long, thick strands.

Shrimp are typically served in a clear, sweet and spicy soup. To enhance the flavors, the soup can be season with fish sauce, soy sauce or sesame oil.

These noodles require an expert chef to cook them; this skill takes years to master, representing a significant investment of both time and money.

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